Moving Through Grief with Briana Postle, LCSW
Closed Group. Pre-Screening required (pre-screening involves one 20 minute session with the group facilitator to ensure goodness of fit for the group, review paperwork, etc).
This group is ideal for someone who has experienced a close loss within the last 3 to 12 months (but does not have to be those exact time frames).
* Connect with others in their grief journey
* Utilize creative ways to express your personal experience with grief through different/ creative activities
* Normalize your unique grief experience (recognizing there is no right or wrong way to feel)
* Recognize where we feel our emotions in our body and find techniques to engage the parasympathetic nervous system to help cope with the overwhelming emotions
This group is a 6 week commitment. Some insurance plans may offer group therapy coverage. Out of pocket pay is an option as well. Please email me at if you are interested and would like more information.
DBT Skills for Teens
with Chris Postle, LCSW
Closed group. Pre-Screening required. Pre-Screening involves a 20 minute individual session with group facilitator to ensure goodness of fit for the group, review paperwork, etc.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is a skill-based group in which teens will learn skills that they can use to regulate emotions and behaviors, enhance mood, improve relationships, and engage in effective problem solving and communication.
This group is an 8 week commitment and may involve/ request family members to assist when teens are learning new skills.
Please email: for more information.